For the most efficient support, please provide the following details if possible:
Subject: Give the case a headline that outlines the issue.
Description: Describe the issue in detail and provide a screen shot if possible.
Error messages: Please copy any error messages.
Exact name: Please provide the exact name; for example name of the assignment, students email address and/or group name etc.
Who has the issue: Provide the email address of the effected user(s). If more than one user please provide a few examples of users getting the issue.
Example of a case with sufficient nformation to be investigated:
Hello, has opened and created an assignment for group "Class 1A English". However none of the students are able to see it in their assignments view.
The assignment was cereated on 2022-06-27 by and is called "Book review, The Sailor", and the group is called "Class 1A English"
Example of students unable to view it is:,,
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