Click on Groups in the left menu.
Click on the teaching group where you want to check your students' progress.
Click on the Student Overview tab.
Filter which tasks to display:
Select the start and end dates to set the date range for the tasks to be displayed. Tasks with deadlines within this range will be shown.
Select a period; here, you can choose:
Current school year
- Previous school year
- Current term
- Click Update after selecting your dates.
You will now see an overview of all students and all tasks assigned to anyone in the group:
Students' names
Task title
Task deadline
Current work status of the student
Scroll down to view more students
Scroll sideways to view older tasks
If the full task title is not visible, you can:
Adjust the column width by clicking and dragging sideways.
Hover over the title (on a computer) or press and hold the title (on a mobile device).
Click on the question mark to see an explanation of the icons.
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