Immersive Reader in a Plan

  • Updated

Microsoft Immersive Reader is a read support tool. In Haldor you will find the feature in several locations and it can be used by staff, students and guardians. 


  1. Go into a Plan
  2. ClickImmersive Reader at the top of the Plan.
  3. The text in the plan opens in the Immersive Reader.
  4. Customise textthrough Text Preferences, Grammar Options, and Reading Preferences.
  • A) Text Preferences
    • Adjust text size.
    • Adjust spacing between words and characters.
    • Change Font.
    • Change Theme.
  • B) Grammar Options
    • Enable Syllables.
    • Make visible all * contained in the text.
    •  *Noun
    •  *Verb
    •  *Adjective
    • *Adverb
  • C) Reading Preferences
    • Set a Line focus to three levels.
    • Disable/enable Image Glossary.
    • Translate the text.
    • Word for word.
    • Entire Document.
  1. Listento the text, by A) clicking Play. Under Voice Preferences, you can set playback speed and make voice selections.  
  2. Click the arrow in the upper-left corner to exit the Immersive Reader.

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