Manage Skolon in the plan

  • Updated
  1. Click Skolon
  2. The first time you use Skolon, you need to log in.
  • A) Enter your User name
  • B) Click Next.
  1. Enter
  • A) Your password
  • B) Click Log in
  1. You log in to Skolon to view the Resources to which you have access
  2. There are two types of Resources
  • A) Resources that consist of a page/service
  • B) Resources consist of several parts that you can navigate and attach specific parts of the resource.
  1. Insert content
  • A) If the Resource consists of a page/service, select the resource and Click Insert
  • B) If the Resource consists of multiple parts,
    • B1 click up to the page/part you want to insert 
    • B2 Click Insert when you are on the page/part you want to insert


  1. A block for Skolon is created, in this you will see
  • A) Content icon – shows the type of content you are working on
  • B) Enter header – Add a header to the Skolon block. This field can be left blank. 
  • C) Bin – removes the Skolon block and all added Skolon links from the plan
  • D) Arrows – move the Skolon block up or down (more than one block has to be added)
  • E) Inserted resource
  1. Click
  2. A) Bin to remove an enclosed resource
  3. B) Add Resource to add more resources

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